A personal blog about anything to do with word of mouth marketing (WOMM/WOM), viral marketing, buzz marketing, contagion, consumer generated media (CGM) and such like. There may be off-topic posts from time to time. Enjoy! [ATOM FEED]

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

million $$$ pixelbay

the million dollar homepage was a remarkable WoM success and managed to pay for its creator's (alex tew) student fees. it seems a US company has piggybacked on his idea: www.pixelbay.org, but alex isn't too bothered about copycats and ripoffs: -

It is bound to happen (this is the internet afterall), and infact, I think it will work in my favour. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So I think any copy-cat sites will only have pure comedy value, whereas mine possibly has a bit of comedy PLUS some actual pull in terms of advertising dollars (I will be able to afford swanky socks, they will only get to buy crappy ones probably! They could have my old ones, if they like). So I say good luck to the imitators! While in my opinion it's not very cool - I would prefer to come up with something original - in many ways the act of copying (perhaps more on a subconcious level than anything) is the basis of all creativity. But yeah, really bad rip-offs are seriously lame - I mean, if you're gonna copy the concept, at least come up with your own design and text!
UK folks > am I bothered? :)


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