A personal blog about anything to do with word of mouth marketing (WOMM/WOM), viral marketing, buzz marketing, contagion, consumer generated media (CGM) and such like. There may be off-topic posts from time to time. Enjoy! [ATOM FEED]

Thursday, October 06, 2005

do blogs have tipping points?

if anyone has read malcolm gladwell's "the tipping point" they will know what connectors, mavens and salesmen are. in a nutshell: connectors have relationships with many, many other individuals; mavens have a deep knowledge about a particular subject and are keen to share it; and salesmen can influence people to take action.
tipping point

dave pollard asks "do blogs have tipping points?" and wonders if you can use the tipping point model to break into, or even break up the 'a-list' of bloggers?


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