A personal blog about anything to do with word of mouth marketing (WOMM/WOM), viral marketing, buzz marketing, contagion, consumer generated media (CGM) and such like. There may be off-topic posts from time to time. Enjoy! [ATOM FEED]

Friday, November 04, 2005

More Umbria Tire Kicking

More Umbria Tire Kicking: "Umbria Communications continues to listen. Ever since I pounced on Umbria for being a marketing bully a couple of months ago, folks from Umbria have been telling me that they appreciate my feedback and that they are taking it to heart. Lots of folks say that sort of thing to quiet a detractor, but Umbria is doing something remarkable... they're following through on the promise. A few weeks ago, I talked about Umbria VP Bill Tuohig and Umbria's new website. "


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