A personal blog about anything to do with word of mouth marketing (WOMM/WOM), viral marketing, buzz marketing, contagion, consumer generated media (CGM) and such like. There may be off-topic posts from time to time. Enjoy! [ATOM FEED]

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Micro Persuasion: Cymfony Nails Nail

Micro Persuasion: Cymfony Nails Nail: "Cymfony, a company that mines blogs and the MSM for PR professionals, has hired Forrester's Jim Nail as its first chief marketing and strategy officer. Congrats to Jim. There's a lot of attention paid to the free blog search sites, but don't overlook a dogfight heating up on the high-end as well between the vendors who provide paid services. This group includes Intelliseek, Buzzmetrics and Cymfony."


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