A personal blog about anything to do with word of mouth marketing (WOMM/WOM), viral marketing, buzz marketing, contagion, consumer generated media (CGM) and such like. There may be off-topic posts from time to time. Enjoy! [ATOM FEED]

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Eavesdropping Becomes Latest Marketing Craze

Eavesdropping Becomes Latest Marketing Craze: "When I see one cover story about a new technology, it may catch my attention. But when I see two, I know that I'm seeing the hippest trend since the Slingbox.
The cover of BusinessWeek last month said that the vast amount of unstructured data available on the Internet will change the way market research will be conducted. Then this month the technology quarterly section of the Economist (you will need a subscription to read this article) said the same thing."


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